October 2006 Vol XXX Issue 10

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Pathophysiology of Neurogastroenterological Disorders: GI Motlity and Sensory Disorders

by Mira Wouthers and Gianrico Farrugia
Gastrointestinal function is controlled by the coordinated action of several cell types. Injury to any of these cell types may disrupt functional coupling and result in motility disorders. This article will help provide an understanding of the cell types that generate normal motility and sensation and changes that occur in common motility disorders.

Serum Proteins as Markers of Nutrition: What Are We Treating?

by Le Banh
Malnutrition is common in hospitalized patients and Le Banh writes that "a single, effective laboratory indicator identifying malnutrition is lacking..." This article will review and evaluate the most commonly used protein markers of malnutrition in clinical practice and perhaps discourage their widespread and often inappropriate use.

by Kuldeep S. Tagore and Nirmal S. Mann

A case for you to solve.

Pouchitis and Disorders of Ileal Pouches

by Bo Shen
Dr. Shen writes that pouchitis is the most common long-term complicaton in patients with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPPA). His article covers pouchitis and other disorders including surgical or mechanical complications of ileal pouch surgery.

Whole Grains and the Gluten-Free Diet

by Amy E. Pagano
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, recommend that we eat at least three servings of whole grain daily. For a person diagnosed with celiac disease this is most challenging. Educating your celiac patients and helping them to incorporate gluten free whole grains in their diet can improve their well-being and add fiber to their diet. Included in this article are gluten free recipes which you may photocopy and give to your patients.