November 2008 Vol XXXII Issue 11
Evaluation and Management of Pancreatic Cystic LesionsAlthough surgery is currently the only definitive way to diagnosis pancreatic cystic lesions, endoscopic ultrasound with fine-needle aspiration for cytology and cyst fluid analysis is the best non-surgical approach to aid in the diagnosis.
Abnormal Cervical Cytology and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Impact of ImmunosuppressionCervical cancer causes nearly 4,000 deaths annually in the United States. Recent studies have demonstrated that the presence of IBD and the use of immunomodulators are correlated with abnormal cervical pathology of any type. The authors encourage regular screening for cervical cancer in patients with IBD.
Growth Hormone, Glutamine and Glucagon-like Peptide 2 in Short Bowel SyndromeIn recent years, pharmacological hormonal therapy has been used to enhance the spontaneous morphological and functional changes seen after intestinal resection. This paper describes selected factors responsible for these changes and presents results of clinical trials that use growth hormone in order to facilitate a condition.
Rhinocerebral Zygomycosis After Liver Transplantation: Therapeutic Challenges In Recipients Treated for Recurrent Hepatitis CThe case of a transplant recipient that survived advanced, invasive rhinocerebral zygomycosis due to aggressive treatment that included maxillary debridement and orbital exenteration.
Departments Section
Advanced Digestive Endoscopy: Practice and Safety
The title of this textbook, Advanced Digestive Endoscopy: Practice and Safety, is misleading. This is not a textbook that teaches the performance of advanced endoscopic procedures such as ERCP, EUS, and enteroscopy, nor is it a textbook that particularly dwells on minimizing complications associated with endoscopic procedures. Rather, this is a very practical guide on many of the basic aspects of endoscopic procedures, covering topics such as endoscopy suite organization, sedation and monitoring, infection control, credentialing, etc. Its contents will be of special interest to directors of endoscopy units, endoscopic trainers, and endoscopy unit managers.
Highlights from the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gasttroentology, Orlando, FL, 2008
One Year of GATTEXTM Therapy Safely Reduces Parenteral Nutrition Dependence for Patients with Short Bowel Syndrome
Results Presented at American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting Show Majority of Responders Continued to Benefit from GATTEX in Phase 3-Extension Study
Ironwood and Collaborators Present Preclinical Data Demonstrating That Cyclic GMP Alleviates Intestinal Pain
Data Presented at ACG Annual Scientific Conference
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals (formerly Microbia) presented data from a pair of preclinical studies delineating the role that cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) plays in alleviating intestinal pain.