March 2011 Vol XXXV Issue 3

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An Endoclip In Time Saves Nine

Swapna Gayam, Matthew Weed, Srinivasan Ganesan

In recent years the use of endoclips in endoscopy has increased. This is due to their proven efficacy and safety profile in hemostatic applications along with multiple emerging non-hemostatic indications. The purpose of this paper is to discuss endoclip features, indications, and complications.


Blind Bedside Placement of Feeding Tubes: Treatment or Threat?

Joe Krenitsky

The goal of this article is to review the incidence of bronchopulmonary complications of small bore feeding tube placement and discuss protocols and devices to decrease these complications.


Acute Cholangitis Secondary to Biliary Ascariasis

Sanjaya K. Satapathy, Arash Shifteh, Jaydeep Kadam, Barack Friedman, Maurice A. Cerulli, Steven S. Yang

We present a case of cholangitis secondary to ascaris lumbricoides managed successfully with early endoscopic intervention.

Departments Section

Book Reviews

Harrison’s Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine has been in publication, now in its 17th edition, has served as a major source of information covering a broad spectrum of internal medicine for many practitioners and trainees.

From the Pediatric Gastroenterology Literature

Impedance Monitoring in Children: Do Symptoms Correlate?

It is increasingly recognized that multiple intraluminal esophageal impedance recording with pH monitoring (MII-pH) has improved utility in correlating gastroesophageal reflux (GER) events (both acid and nonacid) with symptoms in adults. However, little data is available in children. The authors of this study prospectively evaluated the effectiveness of MII-pH monitoring with GERsymptoms.

Medical Bulletin Board

Remote-Controlled Capsule Endoscope Safely Examines The Stomach

Feasibility study shows that a magnetic maneuverable capsule is safe and well-tolerated in the stomach of healthy volunteers.

Nestlé Introduces PEPTAMEN® BARIATRIC Formula for the Critically-Ill Obese Patient

Experts determine that current formulas do not adequately meet the unique nutritional needs of these patients Nestlé HealthCare Nutrition

Results of the Placement of Multiple Endoscopic Stents for Postoperative Biliary Strictures Remain Excellent After Long-Term Follow-Up

New Study Shows Stricture Recurrence Rate Is Low And Those That Recur Can Be Successfully Retreated Endoscopically