March 2015 Vol XXXIX Issue 3

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Mirizzi Syndrome: A Rare but Relevant Biliary Entity

Kimberley Davenport, Douglas G. Adler

Mirizzi Syndrome (MS) is a rare clinical entity that presents a formidable challenge when encountered. The constellation of a contracted gallbladder, obstructive jaundice, gallstones, pain and cholecystitis should arouse suspicion of MS. Here, we discuss the importance of a multidisciplinary team approach which includes a skilled endoscopist and surgeon. Treatment for each patient must be individualized, as specific MS types necessitate distinct surgical approaches.


The Current State of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Drug Pipeline: A Promising Time

Jason R. Goldsmith, Peter D.R. Higgins

The pipeline for IBD therapies has exploded in recent years, as advances in our understanding of the pathogenesis of IBD have led to new therapeutic targets. This includes multiple new mechanisms of action, ranging from biologic-based immunosuppression to mucosal barrier repair. This article reviews the promising mechanisms of action and specific agents currently in clinical trials for IBD.


Short Bowel Syndrome in Adults - Part 4A A Guide to Front Line Drugs Used in the Treatment of Short Bowel Syndrome

Lingtak-Neander Chan, Carol Rees Parrish, John K. DiBaise

In patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS), malabsorption of drugs is an important consideration, particularly if the expected clinical response to a medication is not attained. Factors include length, location and health of the remaining bowel, the form of the medication administered and the site of action of the drug. Part 4A & B of this 5-part series will focus on conventional pharmacological agents used in the treatment of SBS.


Effectiveness of a Personal and Family History Questionnaire When Assessing Colorectal Cancer Risk

Seper Dezfoli, Thomas J. McGarrity, Devi Rampertab

Few studies have evaluated whether a personal and family history questionnaire (PFHQ) administered at the initial patient encounter improves the provider’s ability to appropriately risk stratify patients for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. The objective of this study was to determine if a PFHQ completed by the patient prior to the initial encounter improved the provider’s ability to extract pertinent information relating to CRC risk.


Acquired Heterotopic Gastric Mucosa after Gastrojejunostomy Tube Placement Causing Intermittent Obstruction

Sameer Lapsia, Anupama Chawla, Juan Carlos Bucobo, Rupinder Gill

Departments Section

Book Reviews

Nutrition, Gut Microbiota and Immunity: Therapeutic Targets for IBD

This book comprises a collection of summaries corresponding to talks given at the 79th Nestle Nutrition Institute Workshop, in essence is a series of short review articles- thirteen in all. The overarching theme is treatment of inflammatory bowel disesase (IBD) beyond conventional immunosuppression. The book addresses dietary treatments, antibiotics, prebiotics, probiotics and fecal transplantation within eight summaries in the second section 'Manipulating the Gut Microbiome as a Therapy for IBD' and precedes this with five summaries giving an overview of pathogenesis.

Meetings Calendar

March 27-28, 2015 Great Debates and Updates in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
May 16-19, 2015 Digestive Disease Week
May 30-June 3, 2015 ASCRS Annual Scientific Meeting